Notification of Discussions on Comments

Posted almost 7 years ago by Juliette Backey

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Juliette Backey
Juliette Backey

When a new reply is made to a comment there is no place other than the comment post that shows this information, and it is hidden until clicked on, so it's very inconvenient to figure out which are new discussions on comments.

I would like to be notified or see on the dashboard discussions activity. For example, if someone made replies to 5 comments in a course there would be a "5 new discussions on comments" message. Something that lets me know that there is activity going on in that course even though no new comments have been made.

Can the "View Discussion (1)" be highlighted if it's new since I last viewed the page to bring it to my attention?

Also if we could sort comments by recent discussions that would help as well to find the replies on comments that are new.

2 Votes


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